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Newsletter Vol. 35, No.02Multiple Provider TypesInformation Regarding Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM) Audits2/20/2025140 Kb
Newsletter Vol. 35, No.01Multiple Provider TypesReplacement of Newsletter Volume 34 No. 6 for the Addition of Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs) as NJ FamilyCare (NJFC) Billing and/or Servicing Providers2/20/2025133 Kb
Newsletter Vol. 34, No.14All Provider TypesQualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Identification Card12/19/2024276 Kb
Medicaid Alert - MA-2024-03Multiple Provider TypesTransition from AP-DRG Version 34 to APR- DRG Version 4112/16/202474 Kb
Senior Services News Vol. 27, No. 03Multiple Provider TypesPharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD) and Senior Gold Discount Claims Processing Information12/5/2024147 Kb
Newsletter Vol. 34, No.13Multiple Provider TypesExpanded Managed Care Coverage for Behavioral Health Services11/14/2024257 Kb
Medicaid Alert MA2024-02All Provider TypesRevision to the Genetic Supporting Information Form (FD-431) 11/7/2024295 Kb
Newsletter Vol. 34, No.12Multiple Provider TypesUpdated Reimbursement for Any COVID Labs Covered by the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS)10/25/2024217 Kb
Senior Services News Vol. 27, No. 02Multiple Provider TypesMerck withdrawal from the New Jersey Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD) and Senior Gold prescription assistance programs10/11/2024134 Kb
Newsletter Vol. 34, No.11Multiple Provider TypesUpdated New Jersey Reimbursement for Pharmacist-Administered COVID-19 Vaccines10/3/2024232 Kb